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Outside Starbucks on a Summer Morning

by nickb on July 14th, 2003

On and off the traffic flow ebbs and flows under the tyranny of the three eyed enforcers, employees of the local governmental subdivision.

The cars trickle in under the direction of their dreary eyed caffeine deprived drivers.

A collection of packages under the watchful eye of a global multinet connected big brother slide by, some racing the clock to arrive within the next 45 minute by 9 AM.

The ebb and flow continues. The helium powered underpaid light spends part of yet another fortnight battering down, causing epidermal carcinomas, but as yet the employer of enforcers has yet to regulate this brutal photon source.

An employee of another floating gas ball stops outside, calls a friend with the code powered wire deprived collection of circuits. His friend goes inside and obtains two containers of caffeine.

Within a matter of moments fellow dihydrogen oxide bags descend next to me and begin a ritualistic exchanged of minimally useful information.

The ebb and flow of caffeine, people and cars continue.

Me? I sit aloof detached, silent watching everyone, everything consuming my 30,000 km stream of protons per second, devouring the resonance of the compressions of the acoustic ether.

A veblenesque vehicle pulls up, the driver bolts from it ignoring the attempted wing damage to the vehicle next door. The future direction notification device left on by tis status obsessed driver, turns itself off.

The ebb and flow of caffeine and cars continues. And me I sit, aloof outside the flow observing. Delaying the listed activities that beckon me from beneath this sheet of paper.

Observations are exhausted and time spent on the frivolous, but fulfilling activity of string together well recognized pictures.

The end, comes.

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