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Analyzed Bitching

by nickb on July 26th, 2003

I bitched out my friend A earlier today.

He’s got a position at work that gets more pay, but he has less work to do; well no work to do. (Its not his fault, just the Ohio Relay Contract is screwy.) This is his second job, his first being a pretty well paying job.

I’m not sure why exactly I exploded at him.

I’m quite sure part of it is that when he’s here its play time and lets entertain A time. While I don’t mind a good conversation it seems like a requirement and plus he ends up bothering other people who are working and he seems to have no courtesy for others who are working, calling busy supervisors for no reason at all, being loud behind other working employees, etc, etc…

Another possible reason for my bitchiness is that I see him having this job just so he can buy a house, which at the moment I see as an unnecessary luxury. He has a moderate sized four bedroom house for one person and two cats. This really just seems like showing off to me. Of course I’m not enthusiastic about home ownership. I see most houses as a waste of money.

First of all the mortgage payment is usually more than rent, but you get less. Rent includes repairs, property tax, often extra amenities, appliances, among other things. I know people often tout the equity in homes, but if you look at it you have to pay a lot of bank interest and other additional costs that you don’t have with an apartment, as a result your free cash flow should be higher allowing you to invest the extra funds.

I still don’t know why I went off on A. I guess its some of this stuff and just the plain fact that I’m tired.

Dang, do I look like an ass now?

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