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Programming on the Left Side of the Brain

by nickb on July 30th, 2003

I tried writing with my left hand today. It was a result of trying to eat and program at the same time.

It looks like its written by a first grader, although I don’t know very many first graders with the logical skills to be able to program ANSI C, maybe Basic or Logo, but defiantly not ANSI C.

I’m in a huge muddle with SpamFolderManger. I’ve honestly never dealt with a project of this breadth and modularity. Honestly I’m really a Applesoft BASIC programmer who has just transplanted himself to ANSI C. This is the first time I’ve actually tried programming like a C programmer and I’m well lost.

I’ve got a bunch of functions lying around and well eventually they should be able to be properly stitched together to create a functional program.

I’m reminded of sessions with my mother when she’d have all the pieces for her quilt covering the floor and she’d be attempting to figure out what was wrong in her cutting so she could piece the whole mess of fabric together properly to come out with a quilt. She always used to be so methodical and graph the whole quilt out and figure out what she had to do.

I know I need to create a “map” of this program for myself, so I know which way is up and how I need to proceed. I feel like I’ve been given a hot skillet on a stove without a handle, and I’m having to figure out how to build a handle onto this. Its probably something like molecular chemistry. (Wait, thats redundant isn’t redundant?) I remember reading about buckeyminsterfullerene in Popular Science and how they had to graph a handle on it to take a picture.

Whatever the case I’m stuck feeling really stupid and really lost. Maybe I can learn to write with my left hand and program at the same time. My brain needs a good work out.

Of course I could be boring and take my second class on programming and just stick to my right hand for writing, but that just wouldn’t be interesting.

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