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Excel Fun

by nickb on August 28th, 2003

I’ve been a bit of an Excel addict as of late.

I keep just about anything and everything in Excel, including my bank account register. I got sick of always having to fire up another program to get a calendar. I went searching on the net and the calendars online and all I found was these over designed spreadsheets with addins and the like; All I want is just a calendar out of formulas or something that automatically updates itself all the time.

So if you want it done right do it yourself, so I did. Tada! Nick’s perpetual Excel spreadsheet calendar! Enjoy and use it however you like. However it is under the Creative Commons license with the rest of the site.

My second use of Excel recently was utilizing it in helping me ascertain who is gay and straight in Boy Meets Boy. After a quick stop to think about it I didn’t need to use a spreadsheet but, it helped me ferret out some of the trends the producers have been using to manipulate James’s choices. The straight boi is Franklin. How? Because he was paired with the last straight man to leave, Sean. So to make sure there was one straight man in the last round the producers put both of them together.

But it appears in the previous episodes they’ve made a completely gay group, a completely straight group, and one mixed group. Therefore they’ve ensured that both gay and straight “mates” get to the final round.

What I find most frustrating is before I stopped and thought about it I thought Brian was the straight one by his lax attitude during discussions with the other guys. This tells me how defective my gaydar is. Will someone please find me another model because I need a replacement unit ASAP!

If that doesn’t happen I’ll just have to find myself in a position of power and institute a mandatory labeling policy. Everyone will have to wear a large label detailing everything that a label could be decided on, therefore there are no secrets..

(BTW: If you think I was serious, seek mental help.)

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