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Dorky Rain

by nickb on September 26th, 2003

I’m being a dork. A big clean shaven spiffy dork.

I’m sitting outside Brad’s house waiting for him to arrive. We’re going to Pride Night 2003 at Kings Island tonight.

Its raining a bit, which is bound to be a good thing for the park because it’ll drive the people who were going to do this on the spur of the moment away and reduce the park attendance and make it easier to get on rides. (Not that that was going to be a problem anyway, but it’ll make it even easier)

I wish I could do something to enjoy the rain and make some interesting observations, but honestly, its just that sort of monochromatic dampness, but all in all its a good monochromatic dampness. It provides a nice flavor to the experience nonetheless.

Well he’s here….

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