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"Personal" Bank "One to One"

by nickb on October 11th, 2003

I opened an account at Bank One yesterday. The only reason I did it was because they gave me a certificate for $50.00 so I figure I can deal with some extra paperwork for $50.00.

But, I swear that the “Relationship Banker” who set up my account was really doing his best to flirt with me in a low key way.

Admittedly this isn’t the first time I’ve seen a flirty gay bank employee. Well, I really would like to know him better. (You never know where you’ll find someone so its good to keep your eyes open.)

Well, I really should’ve dropped some low key gay reference, but well I wasn’t thinking on my feet that fast.

Sigh. someday I’ll get the flirting dating dance down. until then I’ll just continue the ugly duckling dance and tripping over my feet.

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