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Origin Ruminations

by nickb on October 22nd, 2003

If you bother to think about it for more than five minutes its amazing that man came into being as a result of a series of chance events.

Star Trek explains this away by stating that an ancient intergalactic civilization seeded our planet with DNA to allow it to evolve. This of course just shifts the question to how did they come into being? You still need to apply the same question just to a different civilization.

Relying on the random evolutionary argument is akin to getting a computer without an operating system, setting up a device to randomly type on it and hope that within the next 1,000 years it will create Windows. (wait, isn’t this how its currently written?) I would be amazed and quite skeptical if this resulted in a functioning operating system. We have usable operating systems because there were intelligent designers who carefully created them.

Therefore I believe that there is an intelligent designer(s), ID, of the universe. The ID must be permanently existing, because if the ID at one point did not exist we would be at the same conundrum regarding the beginning of an intelligent designer. The ID could at one point cease to exist, but the ID must exist infinitely into the past.

I am not arguing for the existence of a standard Christian-Judea god. That perception of god is logically inconsistent. That god is a creation of human desires channeled into god’s mouth for the benefit of easier codification and enforcement. Given that there are religions that are contradictory and that both use “god given” sources as their basis. It is reasonable to theorize that a Christian-Judea god as currently understood is a result of human desires, not actual divine inspiration. Finally a Christian-Judea god would be frustrated with the human manipulation of documents to fit the interpreter’s desires.

The intelligent designer is fundamentally different than a Christian-Judea god because while a Christian-Judea god directs us how to live the ID has designed and does not interfere. God is akin to a computer programmer telling you exactly what you can and cannot do with an operating system, or an architect who directs people where to walk inside their finished building. Both the god like controlling architect and the god-like computer programmer would not be tolerated or reasonable.

In addition a god who wanted to speak to the populace would purchase infomercial time on every station to ensure that he wished to communicate was consumed. The god paradigm is the manipulation of man, if god wanted to speak he would speak directly and clearly.

The ID either cannot or chooses not to interfere.

The concept of an ID allows science to function and resolves questions regarding the beginning of the universe as well as the beginning of life.

Regardless of if the existence of an ID can be proven it provides a placeholder upon which to rest any logical construction of the universe.

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