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by nickb on November 2nd, 2003

Okay, its a damnit for the right reasons. This whole focusing on writing stuff and I can be a writer bullshit isn’t really what I can do. Its not to say I cannot write, but it isn’t my strongest feature.

I know I’m articulate and all that good shit, and I can explain myself into a hole when need be and examine something from every angle possible. But between seeing The Spitfire Grill at the Human Race and watching Lost in La Mancha on DVD just now, I know I have to be involved in theatre and/or movies. Its just where I’m alive and happy.

Don’t get me wrong its a bitch and its hard fucking work. (oh yeah everyone thinks making a movie or putting on a theatrical production is something easy that you just do, but all of the productions I’ve ever done have been some of the hardest things that I’ve done.

So where do I go from here? I’m not going back to Wright State I’ve squeezed all I can out of that place, and not even the most tight fisted person could get anymore out of it.

So the plan, is a variation on the one I’ve already been following. Work, launch the web design business, pay off my debts and get my ass back in college for theatre production. Sigh. Its a long road ahead of me.

Oh and one more thing. This dating bullshit. It ain’t worth my time. I’ve given up on the men in Ohio. It just doesn’t seem to work very well.

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