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Iraq Ranting..

by nickb on November 2nd, 2003

I think its pathetic that now over fifty percent of Americans want our troops out of Iraq. I seem to recall that before this invasion that a majority of Americans wanted us to invade Iraq.


For the record, I was and I still am against the War in Iraq, but that is a moot point now. Its like arguing that we shouldn’t’ve allowed planes to fly on September 11th 2001. Its done, period its in the past, lets move on.

If anything we need more troops in Iraq than less. Why? When the US invaded Iraq and deposed the existing government we assumed responsibility for the security and welfare of Iraq. This is part of our responsibilities as an occupying power. Leaving Iraq now would be illegal, immoral, and quite stupid.

We’ve been persistent on fighting this war on a shoestring. The administration has wanted to always downplay the costs involved with this war. They stated before the beginning of the war that it would pay for itself with Iraq oil revenues. Rumsfeld has trumpeted this war as being light on troops and “streaming” the troops into Iraq, stretching supply lines and reducing necessary support. Bush staged a publicity stunt and declared the “end” of hostilities, but since that declaration more US troops have been killed in Iraq than before that declaration. I’m not a military strategist but you cannot fight this type of war on the quick; Its just not possible.

So in my 23 year old, uneducated about military and foreign affairs here is what I recommend:

  1. Put enough troops in Iraq to secure the country so those international organizations that are trying to do some helpful work actually can do their work, instead of getting bombed out of Iraq.
  2. If we cannot recruit enough troops, reinstitute the draft. Yes its politically unpopular, but this is why we still have registration for the draft around.
  3. If we reinstitute the draft, also drop Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Pursue. (Hell drop it anyways) Expect troops of all sexual attractions to treat each other with professionally, if they cannot, send them back to middle school. If this is unacceptable immediately honorably discharge all women in the armed forces; we cannot have anyone in the armed forces sexually attracted to each other. (There is a practical reason behind this as well, we’ve lost needed Arab translators needlessly to this bigoted rule.)
  4. Raise taxes. As much as the tax cuts have been touted to get the economy moving, it is abdominal that the lower income tax brackets are being asked to pay a greater portion of all the taxes. (This isn’t rocket science, the bottom two tax brackets have remained unchanged, while all the other ones have been cut. Thus, given the whole of collected taxes, a higher percentage of the revenue is coming from lower tax bracket taxpayers. To top it off we’re putting money in the pockets of higher tax bracket tax payers by borrowing money which we will have to pay interest on.) Given that past wars have had taxes brackets as high as 75% it is not unreasonable to ask the upper bracket tax payers to pay perhaps 45% to 55%. Make these automatically sun setting on the number of troops in Iraq, say after the troop count falls bellow 7,000 they go back to the current rates. Nuff said about money.
  5. Sell this war honestly, we’re in Iraq and we’re going to be there in a while, lets get some accurate honest estimates as to how long and how much this will cost. It ain’t pretty but we’re already stuck in Iraq, lets know what we’ve got to deal with.

Okay that is all for now, I think I’ve gone on for long enough. By the way, these suggestions go for both parties and whoever gets elected to the White House in 2004.

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