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Poor excuse of a Company

by Nicholas Barnard on November 9th, 2003

I’m frustrated. The poor excuse of a cable company, Time Warner seems to be content with allowing their service to completely stop every week or so.

Its not that amazingly bad to lose television, but we’re dependent on them for internet access too. I’d give up my cell phone before I’d give up my internet.

But, back to the point. This is the company that is planning on asking people to be dependent on them for all of their wired communication services (Internet, Television, and Telephone). The telephone if you think of it is the one service we depend on just to work. Period.

I hate to speculate about why we’ve had such spotty service, but if you ask me its because their servers (which do run the television services) are on Windows XP. A poor excuse for a critical task, such as running all your customer’s services.

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