Holiday Suction
I’m feeling strangely lonely again…
Holidays Suck, they just do. Thanksgiving was alright. Dad and I went to a movie, then we went to dinner at a restaurant, like two old single men whose wives died and left them together. I’m 23, not 83.
All my siblings have their lives started. My older brother, the perpetually single one, finally has shacked up. So that leaves everyone in my immediate family with the exception of me and my dad either married, or living with their significant other. Everyone’s started their microcommunity.
I’ve decided I’m taking a vacation to San Francisco. I figure I can do it for inside of $500.00 + 25,000 airline miles, assuming I stay at a hostel, which actually sounds intriguing.
I have this dream that I’ll meet some amazing guy and end up moving out there. Fantasy is so easy and attractive, wouldn’t it be great if life were that way?
I really want to move out of Dayton. I just cannot justify it, for two reasons.
One, I’m living rent free at my dad’s house. so moving somewhere and paying rent is a untenable idea, given that I owe a crapload of money.
Number Two is so much trickier. I have one really close friend and she is tied here by here mom, husband, and child. We both have the same feelings, we ant me to be happy, but we don’t want to live in different cities away from each other. Neither option will make me completely happy, so I’m stuck choosing the lesser of two evils.
Holidays just bring all this out, and the worst thing is the elevator holiday music. Bleh. Thats the torturous worst!