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<hr>, GZip, and writing

by nickb on December 5th, 2003

I’ve been debating if this:

constitutes a poor writing style.

Is it one of those things that I’ve picked up in my web centric writing? I’m not sure I do have writing that uses

that predates the web, I just used a black bar formated as a graphic.

Its an interesting conundrum. I know writers of books use extended spaces to signify jumps in the narrative flow.

is a way of saying “no I haven’t gone psychotic and rambling, I meant to jump topics, bear with me; it will be come clear shortly.

is similar to a major philosophical tool.

Philosophers will often make a claim and if it hasn’t been substantiated yet they will drop “(more on that later)” or “(as we will see in chapter 9)” in right after the unsubstantiated claim. It is a part of an author’s passive conversation to the reader, as if to say “don’t get into a tizzy now, I know this needs to be defended but it doesn’t fit here, so hold your arguments and constipation for later.”


isn’t that way.

can sometimes say “I was too lazy to write a transition, therefore I’m not going to.”

Then again pathetic and obvious transitions are reader unfriendly. I know I get frustrated with writing where the information conveyed per word ratio is too low. Of course if the ratio is too high you risk losing your reader. This is one of the things that frustrates me immensely about introductory text books, they waste my time. Most writers are so concerned that they’ll lose their reader their info conveyed per word ratio is far to low for me.

You see if I rewrote/edited a textbook it would be ¼ to ½ shorter.

But back to

I believe I might have a small tendency to use it too much, but maybe I’m just attempting to scream to other writers “write more compactly!”

Oh also transitions for transitions sake suck. While I’ll agree that art for art’s sake is good, transitions for transitions sake is formulaic writing as if I wanted a formula I’d be reading RSS or GZip files for fun, but I don’t.

Okay enough about

I’m done with it. But if I could learn to read text files compressed into GZip as fast as I read English that would be cool, because I could push an author’s information conveyed per character rate up, now that would be cool!


conveys quickly too.

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