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by nickb on December 13th, 2003

I’ve been having an issue.. basically we’ve been busier at work because I’ve been working different days that are busier, so I have eJournal entries that get started and never finished in any remote sense of the word.

I’m just out of any habits. I sat down and I had like five entries to type.. Sigh, sometimes these things are more of a pain in the ass than they’re worth.

In good news I finished a beta version of my MTMail program – a program for mailing Movable Type entries. Yes I know MT includes this by default, but isn’t very consistent in its functionality. I tried Dan Khon’s method but I ended up periodically flooding by mine and other’s mailboxes. I even got blocked as Spam by someone’s husband.. I plan on releasing it, but at the moment I’m looking for testers, both in receiving emailed entries and running a copy on their server. Drop me an email if you want to help.

Okay I’m going to drop my half written entries here, just to be done with them.

One: Fricking Problem

I have a fricking problem. Its A. I so want to ask him on a date. But I don’t want to give up anything. Not the friendship, not the conversation, not the fantasy I get to keep that he could be gay or bi.

(I still haven’t said anything to him…)


I was reading Wired’s article on Philip K. Dick First of all I would have loved to meet him. His philosophical interests (as identified by Wired’s Erik Davis.)

  1. False Realities – looking at the realities that are created. (Think The Truman Show or any of the Matrix Movies.) this is closely related to the field of epistemological philosophy.
  2. Human vs. Machine – How do we know what is human? (i.e. touring test) This gets trickier every year as processors get faster, and programmers develop new algorithms to make computers appear smarter. (An aside, this is a murkier area than it may seem, some people in touring tests have been described by humans as machines, because of their depth of knowledge.)
  3. Entropy – how things decay.
  4. The Nature of God – a large area where people claim tautologies but we know little
  5. Social Control – how societies are manipulated and controlled. (Related to False Realties, The Nature of God, and indirectly to entropy)

Okay but the point. Why haven’t I ever thought of writing Sci-Fi?

I wrote (and illustrated) Sci-Fi when I was younger, and I’ve always like the genre because the “good” examples of it are philosophic of moral arguments.

(And thus i stop into oblivion… there is nothing more frustrating than starting to write a thread and getting distracted so that you don’t know where you’re going.)

That it.. I’ve been carrying too many shot glasses around and trying to keep them all going.. sigh..

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