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Euphemistic Interview?

by nickb on December 30th, 2003

I hate thinking about cups. You see I walk out and the cup is half full, and I sit for a moment and a half and it gets to be half empty really quick.

That said the interview went well. (Except at the moment I have red fingers from fingerprinting, eh oh well, at least it ain’t getting everywhere)

I hope I’m not getting too much of the bullshit line. I really really really really do. Citi actually seems to recognize that their people are an asset to be nurtured. (God I feel like a crack addict, buying into the story thats being sold to me.)

But heres the thing. Its not in marketing speak which signals to me its real not fake. I heard Jeff (a manager at Citi) talking in his own voice, not a stilted measured corporate voice. Wow. I’m so used to CSD’s corporate bullshit speak that an actual human in a management position talking to me in his own voice just seems well to awe-inspiring. (It doesn’t hurt that the setting sun is shining into my eyes making it all that more revelatory.)

I just don’t like the idea of leaving my friends at CSD. They’ve been my nightly family for nine months. (I’m half tempted to get all the full timers to apply here, get my $500 referral bonus per person and screw CSD. That would be nice.)

One final note, given the homophobic comments I found strewn across copies of The Advocate at work last night, I feel happy to move to somewhere where sexual orientation is explicitly in the non-discrimination policy. (Although I never got my orientation to sexual, but oh well. When can we stop getting euphemistic and just call it what it is, its not sexual orientation it is “persons sexually attracted to the same or both genders.” See? No more euphemisms.)

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