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Name and New Words

by nickb on January 3rd, 2004

I’ve decided on the new name of the eJournal.. The new name:

Path to Enlightened Insanity via Defacted Musings

After reviewing all the names and looking at which ones people liked, (Thank you Lisa and Dianna) I decided the best way around it was to combine two names. Its like me and this writing because, well its long, not quite to the point and a bit vague.

As for what defacted means, I’m not sure what exactly it means. I tend to think of it as “abstracted from fact” and given that its not in the dictionary I’m coining it now. Boy this is so much fun!

As for getting the name on it its going to take me a few days. I was planning on using Friday and Saturday to do a rework of the website in general, but I’m in Atlanta taking care of a friend. So the whole thing is going “naked” tonight until I put new CSS on it..

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