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by nickb on January 17th, 2004

Oh boy.. Its been a week.

Just a list:

  1. Called the police to get help for a friend in another state
  2. Accepted two job offers
  3. Had one job interview
  4. Moved to Cincinnati
  5. Entered into a refinancing agreement on a significant portion of my debt
  6. Reskinned my website (okay thats been in the works for a little while)
  7. Terminated my employment at my previous job
  8. Oooh.. Oil change and tire rotation
  9. Eric and I decided to move from just being friends to dating..
  10. Officially renamed the eJournal to “Path to Enlightened Insanity via Defacted Musings”
  11. Opened one bank account (again for the money)

Okay its more than what it initially seems like. To top it off I’ve been kicking around ideas for a book or two…

Yes I have slept…

A greater level of sanity should reveal itself soon.

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