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Dancing at a New Work Place

by nickb on January 26th, 2004

I’ve almost completed my first full week in an “office environment.”

It’s definitely a different type of work environment. I really really really like working on the 25th floor and eating in our gourmet cafeteria on the 28th floor.

Boredom is a different issue. I think I just need to learn to deal with it. CSD was boring a whole bunch of the time. (Come on, after about two months of eavesdropping on people’s conversations there is only so much of mundane conversations you can take, and I did that for two and a half years.)

Oh another thing I forgot, I have a Starbucks within walking distance without going outside. I have to take special care that I don’t blow a hole in my budget. (yes Starbucks coffee can do that.)

Hmm… I’m not sure what else to write about. That is all that is on my mind at the moment.

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