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Feline Family

by nickb on February 1st, 2004

I moved my kitties, Shaun and George, to my apartment yesterday.

If I had known the howling meows I’d be getting on the drive from my dad’s house to my apartment I wouldn’t’ve done it. One of them was so scared he pissed all over himself, talk about indignities.

They’re really mellow. I can’t help but feeling that I broke up their little family that they’d been part of for the past eight and a half months. I get to see my family frequently, sometimes more than I’d like, but my cats likely are not going to be seeing any of the other cats, Fluffy, Squeaky, or Sphinx, anytime soon, if ever again. I didn’t and couldn’t give them notice.

To top it off this apartment is significantly smaller than my dad’s house and they can’t really go outside and play like they used to. In short its a sucky place to be a kitty.

I tell myself I had no choice, that the kitty family was going to be broken up none the less, but that really doesn’t make me feel much better.. I just want them to be happy thats all…

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