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Si.. Err.. Three Degrees of Separation

by nickb on February 3rd, 2004

I found out that I’m now three degrees removed from Shawn Walker. (Specifically my boyfriend Eric is friends with Shawn’s boyfriend Jason.)

The can of worms from last year that I’ve slowly put back into their can came flying back out (with a little less force than last time.)

Shawn is a really cool person despite the fact that I was hurt, mostly by myself, by my last interactions with him. I’d like a second chance to be friends with him, but that isn’t wholly my choice.

The future will happen as it will happen. I cannot control it. Life and the connections we make are fragile, transient, and malleable.

Opportunities are in the future. I just have to keep my eyes open and try not to expect that I’m entitled to anything.

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