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Unfinessed list.

by nickb on February 17th, 2004

I’m awake at four in the morning or so. I just finished watching X2: X-Men United… While I’ve got thoughts on that those will have to wait till later.

I’m supposed to be up for work in two hours but well given that I’m not yet asleep and I had a few hour nap today I’m giving myself some slack. (well a lot of slack)

I’m unable to finesse this in anyway so here’s a list:

  1. I’m feeling lost and slightly drifting
  2. I’ve been at these "I don’t know whats in my future" moments far too often recently
  3. I need to break up with Eric
  4. Although my cats are very good at cuddling they’re no substitute for a boyfriend
  5. Its strange to keep seeing the same people on Yahoo Personals again and again.
  6. Every list needs six items.

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