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Bastard Bard

by nickb on March 25th, 2004

I’ve been in a bit of a quandary lately. Besides trying to figure out why my kitties are shedding so much, and if I should just give them a fur cut and get it over with, I’ve also been debating that evil matter of what to major in.

I spoke with Maribeth at Northern Kentucky University on Tuesday. I mentioned Organizational Systems Technology as a major. Armed with knowledge gleamed from my transcript she brought up theatre.

I’ve got some type of aversion to being a theatre major again. I’m reminded of the song The More You Ruv Someone from Avenue Q. One of the main characters professes that “sometimes love right where you hating most Kate monster.”

I love theatre. I also hate it with a passion. There have been far too many times when I’ve wanted to take preening teenage actors and beat the shit out them, just to break them down. Yes, theatre is work, its not some fun fucking game we just do because we’re bored. In college we’re learning to make it a living, stop pretending like this is high school.

I’m half tempted to continue my leaps into the unknown that have been really good to me this year. I just don’t know when my luck is going to run out. I need to do this more intelligently this time, but I also realize i only get so many choices. (Filling out beneficiaries for the new life insurance policy with the new job will do that to you.)

Theatre or not to theatre. That is the question.

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