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Civil Limbo

by nickb on April 2nd, 2004

I’ve been wandering around Barnes&Noble.

I’m currently sitting in limbo about equidistant between the Gay and Lesbian section and the Religious Fiction section. (Yes I realize the latter title is redundant, but I didn’t make it up)

Between the dichotomy of these two sections and the scattering of political hack jobs masquerading as books, I’m disturbed by the divisiveness in today’s culture.

There was a prevailing theme of unity after 2001. “Lets be united, lets be strong, stand together in solidarity.” (Why does this sound slightly like communism?)

Instead its as if we got together and took a good look at our brothers from the north and from the south and ran, disturbed with what we saw. We’ve taken to hacking at each other, attempting to win a silent battle.

Unfortunately this is not the most disturbing thing I’ve seen recently.

On the day George Bush stated he would support a constitutional amendment to enshrine the religious standard of marriage as being between one man and one woman, I got a telephone call from my older sister, Randi, upset and frustrated by his hateful stance. I had simply labeled it as the words of a bigot and felt secure that history would run its course and GWB would look like the ignorant prick that he is.

What is disturbing to me is I went to my Dad’s house the other day and he had “signed” pictures from GWB’s campaign. (Its possible these were for donating to the RNC, as I’ven’t found his donation on GWB’s website.)

My dad was the parent who took my coming out the best. So I’m frustrated when my dad supports a man who has placed himself directly blocking the path of his son’s future happiness.

I’m in limbo as to what to do. I want to scold my Dad for his position. But, at the same time he has been kicked enough as is.

So, walking around Barnes&Noble seeing this war unfold around me has crystalized the limbic middle ground on which I’m standing on.

My father is unexplainably with the south and I’m with the north.

I don’t want to see this battle…

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