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Quick round up

by nickb on April 5th, 2004

I have lots of stuff to get through quickly, cuz I need to sleep..

  1. I have a kitty for adoption. She’s definitely got a strong personality and is a fighter. She needs to go to the vet first though (thats happening on Friday.) She is adoptable at no cost, you just need to provide a good home and cover the vet costs.
  2. I registered for the March of Dimes. My employer Citicards is matching every donation, so its a great way to make that $10 donation be worth $20.. I also need to get my coworker Cathy to register too, as she is procrastinating on the matter. Leave your comments with suggestions on how to get her to register. Oh and I have a personal donation page at the March of Dimes where you can pledge a donation. I suggest that you mail me a check, just so i make sure it can get matched, by Citicards..
  3. Cincinnati traffic sucks.
  4. Oh, Cincinnati traffic sucks.
  5. Okay thats it. No more. Oh but Cincinnati traffic sucks.

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