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Lost, sleepy, fricks.

by nickb on May 12th, 2004

I went hunting for a Starbucks today. Specifically this Starbucks. Don’t bother trying to find it via the map. Its not where it says it is, but its close. Its just one of those dealies where the road changes name midstream, but there is another road with the same name right near it. (Whoever said urban planners had no sense of humor never drove anywhere in the midwest.)

I spent about 45 minutes aimlessly driving around and turning around way too much, and even waiting in a Burger King drive thru for a bit too long. (They would’ve failed if I was timing them. (Yeah I worked at this McDonald’s too long…))

Okay but back to the place that doesn’t make my stomach churn, Stabucks. I actually had almost given up on finding the dang store, and was gonna get on 471 to get back home via Ohio (yeah I like being suspended over lots of water in a heavy chunk moving of metal) and I thought “hmm, let me check the other side of this road..” Low and behold behind a Graeter’s Ice Cream there was a little Starbucks tucked in a plaza. From the outside the place looks like a dump. (well a dump for a Starbucks) But I walked in and I knew right away this was my Starbucks. (For the Starbucks uninitiated, addicts like me find a store that they like, and always go to it; there is something special about the store that draws us to em.) My first “my Starbucks” was the Mad River location in Dayton, Ohio. I’ve actually driven from West Chester, Ohio (a 30 minute drive!) just because I wanted to go there. When I was in Atlanta “my Starbucks” was the Little Five Points location. (Which was really convenient because it was on the way between home and work.) I really like the Newport/Fort Thomas location because, well it pulls off that architectural trick I love so well, taking the old and making it new again without destroying it. It preserves some history instead of just bulldozing over it, and re-papering the walls so you can’t see the the history. My kudos to the design team!

Hmm in other news I’ve been getting unpacked. I plan to die in this apartment, I’m just gonna live here till I’m 185 because I’m so freaking sick of moving. If I don’t live to be 185, I’m gonna sue someone, who and how I don’t know, but I’ll figure it out.

In other news, I’m amazed how fricking irresponsible people are. I went on a date a week or two ago. Cathy, my coworker, has taken to calling him the drunk. Thats how good the date went. He couldn’t even wait till he got out of the car to start drinking a beer. But what amazed me is that he actually got himself into enough financial trouble to file bankruptcy, but didn’t actually show up at the courthouse to finalize it. Now you see if a day goes by where I don’t talk to someone who is filing bankruptcy, its a rare day. Usually when I talk to someone who has recently filed, they sound really relieved. They’re happy that they are going to be done with the matter once and for all. I also get pissed at people who complain about random fees on their account when they’re five months past due. Crike, pay you bill and then don’t worry about the fees silly!

Okay but almost enough about my job, one more thing. I really like it. Its a great place to work I’ve found and hell its a great boost of schadenfreude.

Okay. Its sleepy time. And I am going to try to be more regular with making entries…


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