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Bush vs. Saddam

by nickb on May 30th, 2004

I was reading the “Stars Speak Against the Federal Marriage Amendment” in the April 27th, 2004 issue of the Advocate. (I’m a little behind okay?)

I was a little surprised at the extremely harsh words they had for George W. Bush. But after looking them a little bit I realized many of them were just being direct. One calls for GW’s impeachment, another asserts that he should “be prevented from using words like freedom and liberty.”

Oddly enough I’m actually really respectful of Saddam Hussein. Perhaps because he has made no pretenses of his leadership. I’m sure he knows he maintained power by killing his opponents and made no promises of freedom or liberty.

Now GW on the other hand has done the exact opposite. While he is likely the most recent president to pound on concepts of freedom and liberty, he’s actually likely done the most to rescind them. Even in Iraq where he direct the United States to start an Illegal war to oust Saddam Hussein’s horrendous regime, his administration is now in a major disagreement with its own selected Governing Council as to who should be the leader of Iraq’s interim government. Excuse me, this man is trumpeting bringing freedom to Iraq paid for by the lives of our young men and women, and simultaneously denying that freedom to Iraqis. Yeah thats logical.

So excuse me if I have more respect for a horrendous dictator like Saddam Hussein than the leader of the “free” world. As least Saddam Hussein made no pretenses of preserving freedom.

Oh and one final thing. I’m in support of impeaching Bush. Its a simple matter, whereas Clinton only lied about sex, GWB has suggest that the United States violate its own Constitution by amending it to be discriminatory against a specific group. Last time that happened was when it was written, and we fought a few wars over that.

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