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by nickb on June 29th, 2004

I was watching the Steve Jobs keynote today. (Which wasn’t broadcast live via Quicktime, BASTARDS!)

He mentioned that the Cinema Displays are beautiful. While I won’t disagree, they’re not my favorite thing of beauty.

I was also amazed at the unintended beauty of lightening striking a tree and the photo essay of daily commutes.

Beauty is a strange thing. I used to think OS X (10.1.4) was beautiful, so much so that I actually would just stare at it in awe. Now I just use it. Its not that it isn’t still beautiful (I’d argue 10.3.x is more beautiful than 10.1.4) but its something that I see every day. It has lost its charm.

Tourists are easy to spot in any big city because they all look up, and all around, taking in the inherient beauty of the place thats lost on the locals, because they see it every day.

Somethings though never lose their beauty. My cats come quickly to mind. Despite their constant presence in my life they never cease to amaze me as graceful and beautiful beings.

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