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Apathy? Procrastination?

by nickb on July 20th, 2004

I’d be pissed at myself if the me of 2002 or so saw the me of today. Not for everything, but because I’ve just been well seemingly apathetic about personal political issues such as gay marriage, the role of religion in government, and sending my peers to die to ensure that Iraq is a failed nation state.

I used to scream, scathingly demean, and organize against political positions that I feel are unjust or just plain idiotic.

Sigh. Well that little horizontal rule signifies about two days of procrastination on this entry, if not more. I’m really good at procrastination.

Here I think I need a few more of them.

There. Now back to the topic at hand.

I dunno, part of what I had to force myself to do back in 2003 with Jo was to be self focused. I was so out caring about everything but myself and I got to the point where there was nothing that was me to care about.

Its not that I don’t want to care about these things. I mean GLBT rights are, well, personal. But I can’t pour myself into just doing that. I have a life to live and goals to meet. I’d love to be able to commit myself full time to GLBT rights, but at the moment I don’t have a position that would allow me to do that, and have a reasonably wage to live on.

I want to keep this short and to the point. I’m too tired to just wander on and on philosophically working through all the permutations, but rest assured I have.

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