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Puggets of updates

by nickb on August 24th, 2004

There is nothing like the lack of a great start.

I start school tomorrow. (Well actually today, but Nick’s logical day naming system states that for non-legal purposes it is the day I woke up on until I fall asleep. Just to finish the theory a day is determined by the actual day you wake up on. This can introduce some strange quarks.)

But enough procrastinating. I’m uneasy about this whole school thing. I’ve been out of school for almost two years, and although I will meet my goal of being back in school, it just feels like a great unknown again, and I’m a freshman again.

But to add onto it, my car is dead, so instead of sleeping in my bed I’m crashing at Eric’s so he can get to school tomorrow as well as I. Timesharing a car is fun!

Hmm… What else? Work. Bleh, work. I now know why the portfolio I’m working on got sold from its original owner to my current employer. The people who are running it don’t really know what they’re doing IMHO. Eh, I’m just a peon, I’m just a peon, I’m just a peon. Enjoy being a peon with little responsibility!

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