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Nutty Chat

by nickb on September 10th, 2004

Me: my theory
Me: I’d rather work in evenings but 2nd shift sucks because you blow your whole day away
Me: 1st shift. ick
Me: I hate getting up in the morning
Jen: yeah
Jen: I think mom would prefer third or first
Jen: since she’s up
Me: 3rd shift AAAHHHHHhhhhhh… (good ahh, not a bad ahh which would be typed AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! not AAAHHHHHhhhhhh… yeah I know there isn’t much of a difference but you know what the hell, i’m just being anal and techinal and thats one of the things you like me for isn’t it? well if not it should be, because well yeah I am. And if I’m not who would I be. And if I wasn’t me i’d be someone else in which case you might not like me because I wouldn’t be me and I’d be someone not me. But if I were someone not me the whole logic of the world goes out the window, but if the whole logic of the world goes out the window does logic really matter in the first place. Besides we’ven’t actually chosen a logical system that everything is going to work on. there are lots of wacky logical systems that exist … especially meridith.. its a strange piece of crap that well I don’t wanna touch. but well you know I think I’ve typed quite a enoug
Jen: lol

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