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An Entry

by nickb on September 23rd, 2004

I’ve been telling myself for quite a few days that I need to write a blog entry.

Its not that I’ven’t had ideas to write entries I’ve just not written them.

I’m going to put down a dream I don’t want to forget, a deed, and one thought and call it a night.


I had a dream I was talking on the phone with Shawn he didn’t recognize me. I don’t remember feeling hurt or really anything, perhaps just a bit shocked. Really this is a valid point from my sleeping self. I don’t know him and he doesn’t know me.


I did a random act of kindness last week and saved a guy a bunch of hassle. Its nice that Oprah arranged to have several million dollars of cars given away. It would’ve been nicer if she did it without the fanfare.


I’ve been lying to a bunch of people recently about mundane things. Its dishonest to them, but its more of a white lie for myself. I’m not sure what I should do about it..

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