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Deep Family and a bitch….

by nickb on September 26th, 2004

One of my recent endeavors has been watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine from the beginning and in order.

I’ve been accomplishing this through my Netflix 2-at-a-time membership. Which means at maximum I could make it through half of a season in a month. (4 DVD’s x 4 episodes per DVD=12 episodes. 12 episodes/26 episodes a season = about 1/2 a season.)

I just made it through the end of the second season. Arguably this is when the series began to hit its stride. The aborted story lines and relationships have been shaken out and we’re beginning to see the seeds of the larger story of Deep Space Nine that would play out in the later seasons.

But onto the point. I was watching the “extras” part of the last DVD in the second season. Most of the interviews from the extras section were filmed during 2002, about three years or so after production on the series wrapped. There is this sense of loss and a fond memories from the show that comes through in the interviews.

It sounds strange and pathetic, but I miss Deep Space Nine. In some ways they, the characters, actors, crew, and writers feel like family.

I miss being a part of a family. This is not to say I’m not currently family less. All of my immediate relatives are all still alive, kicking and annoying me. (not always annoying me, but ya know family does that sometimes) But we’re no longer the nuclear family, all together in the same house, having dinner at the same table every night. We’ve progressed beyond the house reactor, having melted down and radiated along a latitude through the midwest into our components.

I can name a plethora of families that I’ve been part of at one time or another. Middle and Upper School at Miami Valley was a family for me for quite sometime, Lambda Union was a family that I was with for almost three years, Horizon Theatre‘s Negro Dance Lesson was my family during summer 2002, CSD Relay’s third shift was my family during 2003.

But, right now I feel family-less. Its not to say I don’t have friends, or friends of friends, that almost resemble families, but they lack the key quality I’m looking for — fellowship, a common bond that brings us all together.

I dunno. I want something more permeant than a job, or a theatre production that’ll end soon.

Now for a completely different topic, but somehow related in my mind.. I received this email a few days ago:

Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 07:53:38 -0400 (EDT)
From: jane <>
Subject: idoit
X-Pass: WebEmail

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
jane: on Friday, September 17, 2004 at 07:53:38

content: are you a sad idiot or what. do you actually get paid to do this? be boring and weird?!!!!!!!!


HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)

Since this wonderful person decided not to leave a proper email address and in some way this pisses me off here it goes………..

First, its my website, no I don’t get paid to do this… I actually pay a pretty decent chunk of change to run my website. Second, if you don’t like my Web Place go find something else like dildo practice or something to entertain yourself, as apparently this isn’t your cup of tea, don’t be a bitch and cut me down. I don’t need it, it doesn’t do anything and yeah, I’m weird I know that, boring?? Just fuck off.. thats all I have to say.

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