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Quick Debate Notes

by nickb on October 1st, 2004

Okay that dang federal budget thing too too much time.

So here are my notes on the debate last night:

  • Kerry delivered a strong performance, but I want more details on his Iraq plan and how it is differentiated from Bush’s current plan (the actual on the ground plan the the diplomatic portion, I think Kerry has made himself very very clear about the diplomatic portion)
  • GWB embarrassed the country with his physical posture. He slouched half of the time, and had a disrespectful look when he was listening to Kerry. Regardless of their differing positions, I expect a president to be able to be cordial to an opponent when at a negotiation table, summit, or debate. He failed at this tonight.
  • Kerry has to be more personable at the next debate. He was an excellent statesman tonight, but not exactly very personable.
  • GWB seemed to have trouble flat out composing his answers. It is acceptable, and even admirable to stop and compose your thoughts before speaking, it isn’t acceptable to flounder like a fish out of water, even if you are a fish out of water.
  • GWB’s wander then charging drive home to end his response reminds me of a cornered rat, just trying to get something that seems substantial out of his mouth before stopping
  • Kerry needs to look into the camera. Bush did this very well several times and likely will help him in connecting with the average voter.
  • Kerry needs to figure out how to differentiate himself on the radio. GWB comes out unprofessional on the television, but he holds is own on the radio. The sound bites will be replayed and replayed. Make yours stick

I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to watch the debate again, because I may feel a need to attack the screen when GWB is speaking, and I cannot afford to replace my laptop..

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