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Like, green, leaking stickers

by nickb on October 11th, 2004

Okay, I am completely disturbed. I’m sitting at my favorite unfindable Starbucks in Newport reading my October Wired. [I’m finally up to date on the magazine reading… well almost I’ve got a backlog of 12 magazines, three Cargos (which is facing the possibility of an unceremonious cancellation), three Advocates (which just were extended till around 2008 or so.), two Out Travelers (the near useless ride along to The Advocate sometimes), a Vegetarian Times (how the hell I got a subscription to this I don’t know, but I do know I didn’t pay for it), a MacAddict, and a Technology Review. (both of which are under consideration for their usefulness.]

But back to the point after the list of the USPS supporting material I am in possession of. The one thing I really like about this Starbucks, is well its has two sets of comfy chairs, which in Starbucks land is almost unheard of. I’m sitting in one set of them and across the way is the other set, which is currently occupied by two teenage girls. What prompted a fit of laughter and well distain for speaking the same language as the girls is the indescribable high usage rate of the word “like” by one of the girls. I debated the merits of counting the number of times she used the word like within say a two minute period and then presenting to her her like rate per minute. I would estimate that it is somewhere around fifteen usages per minute. Okay but here is the thing that really disturbs me. I caught a glimpse of her shoes, and low and behold she has the same celtic green chuck taylors that I have and really like for their inherent coolness and dorkiness. So now I feel in some disturbed way compelled to go home and incinerate my pair, because they’ve been like contaminated, and thats well like unacceptable.

Another thing I’d love to give her a copy of this entry.. although the logistics to do so are annoying..

Okay in other news I’ve discontinued the external chemical influencing of my serotonin and norepherine levels, to surprisingly positive results. Although I have noted that I’ve been having more of a bitter wit, which I so love.

Okay now the chuck taylor like destroying girl and her friend are taking a picture of themselves with the arm length method. Sometimes I just feel that I should carry a gun with tranquilizer darts to neutralize nuisances like these two, I mean its for the public good, and someone has to take responsibility for it, and politicians will claim that they look out for the public good but they’re really just looking out for their own hides in so many ways. Someone has to make the hard choices and take the heat, and I am the one to do it. Or so I believe at the moment.

Okay a related thought to this is I’ve been debating what to do with the inordinate number of people who currently have Bush/Cheney stickers on their cars. (or the even more annoying variant, the W’04 circle sticker) I was originally planning on purchasing black spray paint and marking over the offending advertising on the road. Then I thought, “Hey I’ve got these Kerry/Edwards stickers, it would be nicer just to put those over the offending bumper stickers, at least this way I’m not damaging their car…. (snicker)” Okay but enough about the ethics of annoying political crap. I will leave this topic with one thought. In the game Tropico you can choose not to hold elections, the text is something along the lines of “the people do not know what they truly want” then something about not having elections.

Dang, that was a dribbling piece of diarrhetic crap. You know how they prevent the same variety of anal leakage from cadavers? They sew their asshole shut. (I’m not making this up.) Now think of the indignity of a gay man who dies and has their asshole secured from anal leakage. There thats something for you..

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