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New York City

by nickb on November 12th, 2004

Just for the record by the end of this week I will have been in no fewer than six states, one province, and two countries just during this week. Yes. I’m going to New York this weekend. I promise this will be the last little weekend trip because well, I’m getting tired of them, and the novel is suffering horribly, next weekend will be novel writing and I will get 8,000 words in. This my friends is how you kill procrastination.

The Canada trip last weekend was well quite impromptu. Basically the night before I would’ve had to leave I got on Priceline and said, if I get the room I’ll go, if I don’t get a room, i won’t go. And well I got the room, and went.

The trip to New York City on the other hand, well this started back in 2002 with a movie shoot that I worked on right after I got back from my internship in Atlanta. This time feels a lot like that time. I’m rushed, flyin by the seat of my pants all over the place and not really having any idea what I’m doing tomorrow. Yeah, film shoots are fun, and so are galavanting trips across the country.

My plane is getting ready to board, but I’ll just say something short and quickly. I love airports. There is something amazing about the inherent ballet that occurs and the human drama that unfolds as well.. More about that later after I have time to process what I just recently heard.

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