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Easy Vacation

by nickb on November 16th, 2004

My mom has a phrase: “There is no such thing as a family vacation, either you take the family or you take a vacation.” This also applies apparently to other people’s families as well.

In this instance the family in question is the director’s family. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad they were there but once we got above three or four people it becomes a logistical mess, and there are enough compromises that I think nobody is truly happy, well at least I wasn’t really.

So at the end of the day as we were going home on the subway I split from the group and visited the WTC site. It was one of the three places on my list to see. (The list is: the WTC site, Central Park, and the SoHo Apple Store.) I can go to the other two on another trip, they won’t be dramatically different next time I’m here, but the WTC site is an evolving construction site/memorial now, and I know it will be different next time I’m in New York City.

I’d call it a construction site/museum exhibit now. I asked a friend who visited it a year or two ago what he thought of it, he said it was a tourist trap. Apparently the police have cracked down on the merchants in the area. The bathtub itself is quite well obscured from your average commuter. An obvious attempt to both keep tourists moving, and protect the psyche’s of New Yorkers.

I also found the very small memorial area.

There were several messages that peace and love are the only things that can overcome war and hate. My thoughts at the time: making war is easy, making peace is hard.

I think in general We Americans have chosen the easy road of late: spending binges on credit (personal, corporate, and public), war; black, white, blue and red views vs. views of grey and purple ambiguity; self-centeredness; and war.

I quite doubt we’ll do the hard things. Its not in our current nature. If America does, I’ll be back from wherever I am.

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