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Its that Season Again!

by nickb on November 22nd, 2004

I’ve sensed “that” season has started again. No its not the holiday season, all the signage and promotions for that started a few weeks ago. Usually this season starts the day after Thanksgiving.

What season is it?

The shopping season?

(No thats year round now silly.)

Its the onset of neuroticism. This is the season where all the pressures of the aforementioned holidays turn people into utter pricks and assholes. The congestion on the roads will increase, mad rushes at toy stores for inconsequential toys that’ll be forgotten in a few months anyway, over elaborate preparations for what really should be simple family affairs, and shopping, lots of shopping, followed by returns.

Me? I avoid this. As much of it as I can I avoid. I find the level of stress that people put themselves through for what are supposed to be enjoyable events quite insane, but then again its quite American. I think we have the most stressful vacations too while I’m at it. (Re: Nazi Parents)

So relax, everyone. Just stop and smell the tailpipes (or roses if you can find them).

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