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Eavesdropping Critique

by nickb on December 9th, 2004

Okay I cannot keep writing these PEIDMs that meander similar to this “I was at   (place)   and I overheard   (number)     (gender)   talking and desecrating the English language”.

So one last time. I’m sitting next to two early 20’s/late teens girls who are overusing the word like, and have a complete lack of imagination when it comes to adjectives.

So I’ve decided on a new solution to the problem; an eavesdropping critique form. Basically a form that i’ll have copies of around and just circle the appropriate comments. I’ll post it here when I’ve done it but for starters ares that are problems: “like” over-usage, poor and boring adjective usage, grammar comments (I despise that I’ve somehow acquired that English teacher ability to in real time detect grammar errors.), lack of volume varying, just being too damn long winded etc…

I think it would be quite fun.

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