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by nickb on December 21st, 2004

I’ve been at my new job for a total of seven days. It definitely can be quite a stressful place. The strange thing is that I love it.

Let me rephrase that. In general I love it. There are other instances I would rather be flying out the 25th floor window, but all in all I love it.

This should’ve been something that my teachers noticed earlier. I love stress and having things due now. (Even better are things that are due yesterday.) Stress can be quite a motivator for me. I remember instances where I would go to bed early, wake up early (around 4am) and start to read the book for the paper that was due today.

There of course has to be a balance with these things. Those 4am read the book and write the paper sessions didn’t usually yield a paper on time. In the same way Nanowrimo is about placing stress to get things done.

The part of the equation I battle with is planning enough to actually deliver, but still leave myself enough stress to perform.

But, now it’s back to the stress-filled world of work.

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