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Snow Day!

by nickb on December 23rd, 2004

Well. I’ven’t had this happen in quite some time, if ever. I got a snow day from work today. The last time I remember having a snow day from work was I left McDonald’s once at 7 am after getting there at 4:30 am because we were so slow.

I spent the morning working on my new DSL setup and a little bit of general online housekeeping.

After finally deciding that I was hungry I wandered into the kitchen and noted the heaping mound of dishes in the sink. Its not that I’ve not been monitoring, tracking, and ensuring that I have visibility of the situation, I’ve just been avoiding it.

This time when I walked into the kitchen I just did not want to see it anymore. The lead to a frantic neurotic search for something to block out the view. Quickly I decided on a piece of dirty clothing and started foraging through my hamper. At least I was reasonably logical and decided on utilizing a pair of jeans.

So currently my dishes are safely out of sight under a pair of jeans.

Guess you had to be there…

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