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Apple Microsofts

by nickb on January 12th, 2005

First, Apple needs to release their new products on days that I am not at work or at least days when I don’t have class after work.

Second, all the pundits are missing the points. I have a point with the Mac mini, but I need to get it to solidify. But as to the iPod family they’ve actually out-Microsofted Microsoft and the rest of them. Apple has built a music platform around iTunes (the break-even leader) with the associated assortment of iPod music players (with an excellent selection of price points from $99 all the way upto $599, and I’m sure profit margins to boot.) (For those who seek structured similies the iTunes is to Windows as the iPods are to Office.) Everyone else in the industry should be running scared.

Now Apple, don’t fuck it up like you did the Mac a while ago…

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