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Origin Ruminations 2

by nickb on February 9th, 2005

I need to write more. I have had so many ideas in my head recently of things I’ve wanted to write about I’m simultaneously at both a loss as what to write and trying to stitch all the ideas into one big long entry.

Yesterday, I revisited my entry where I argue for the existence of an intelligent designer, as placeholder. The problem with evolution/The Big Bang theory is it illuminates a fallacy of scientific reasoning.

Scientific reasoning absolutely relies on the examination of cause and effect and their inter-relation. Working backward from here every effect had a cause, and that cause was the effect of a separate cause, which this separate cause itself was the effect of yet another cause, ad infinum. Put another way, every effect is both a falling domino (effect) and a domino that will fall upon another domino and cause it to fall (cause). This is not where the problem lies.

The problem lies at the ends of this chain. It is possible and reasonable for a cause to have no effect, but it is logically implausible for an effect to lack a cause.

Back to evolution/The Big Bang. These are both explained as a series of cause->effect/cause->effect/cause->effect, etc. But, the problem lies within the effect-less cause. This requires that something was the instigator of this cause. Logically this instigator must have some special status. From this an intelligent designer follows. if you insist on the lack of an ID the theory in and of itself collapses in logical impossibility.

(For the record half of this is cribbed off my Philosophy prof’s lecture last night, but it elaborates on my uncomfortableness with some of the related science.)

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