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To give or receive?

by nickb on June 12th, 2005

I gave much of my effort on Saturday to paint a house, as part of Give Back Cincinnati‘s Paint the Town 2005. It was amazing working as part of a Chiquita team to get a whole house painted. I’ll admit getting a whole bunch of banana pushers together to get paint onto a house seems like a curvaceous endeavor, but we managed to paint the whole house. (Also a bragging point: Chiquita had the most volunteers, which is amazing considering about a sixth of our Cincinnati based employees volunteered, far out ranking in absolute and percentage terms the number of volunteers from our much larger neighbor, P&G)

The other side of coin is that while painting the house I apparently did not consume enough liquids and suffered heat sickness. I depended on the generosity of my landlord, who kindly drove me to the hospital, and the talented staff at the hospital.

I’m fine now, but I had gotten myself dehydrated to the point that I could not drink any fluids without summarily reprocessing them into the toilet. Given this catch-22, I had to get my fluids via a tube into my arm. Ahh, to drink in style!

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