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Step One Complete

by nickb on June 22nd, 2005

I set an odd goal for my Chicago vacation. I’m going to take public transit from my doorstep to Chicago back to my doorstep. No cars, no taxis, no horse drawn carriages. Only busses, trains and my feet.

So tonight looks like this:

  1. 10:22pm get rear to curb to wait for bus.
  2. 10:29pm Take route 8 arrives six minutes late. I board in Covington, KY
  3. 10:34pm bus arrives in Cincinnati, OH
  4. Kill time at Starbucks (now)
  5. 11:10 board Metro #1
  6. Get off at Union Station/Meseum Center at 11:19.
  7. Kill time
  8. Wait until 4:07 and board Amtrak route 51 for Chicago.
  9. Arrive 11 AM CST at Chicago’s Union Station

This is the beginning, so step one is complete.

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