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Clashing ethics suck

by nickb on June 23rd, 2005

There is one thing I despise about big cities: the beggars. Its not that I don’t understand and feel their frustrations with their situation and their unanswered calls for help; it is that I understand and feel their frustrations with their situation and their calls for help.

The problem is that I have helped some of these beggars out at times and I’ve gotten screwed. This coupled with the fact that I’m not a millionaire with a hole burning in my pockets I’ve had to take the principled stance that I will not help any beggars.

I just passed this 40ish woman on the corner of Michigan Ave and Madison St and her cries just hit me. I wanted to do something, but I fell back on the “I’m not helping any beggars” line.

I feel like shit for doing that.

One of my goals is to leave things better than I found them and that includes humankind. I know I cannot fix everything. But, I don’t want to have to bend every line but the flip side is protecting myself. I do not want to be a selfish bastard, but how can I make sure that don’t become someone who needs help while helping others?

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