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Over the Hill

by nickb on June 27th, 2005

I just realized today (Sunday) that my trip is over half done with. Its downhill from here. So far it has been wonderful, I really, really enjoyed NextFest and I am already wanting to plan for next year in New York City.

I’ve also been playing with the idea of individualism. It’s a discussion topic I want to use when I lead YADAs bi-monthy discussion next week. (yikes!) I honestly believe that if I had taken almost anyone else along on this trip it would’ve had a completely different character and would not have been as relaxing for me. Don’t get me wrong there are a few people who would’ve made things just as relaxing, but I also really enjoy being able to follow my whims. Tonight, I went out and walked about Millennium and Centennial parks, meandering about the crowds and enjoying the architecture. Not something I’d expect someone else to want to follow along with.

Up for tomorrow is the Museum of Science and Industry along with a multitude of unknowns.

Goodnight from Chicago, Illinois!

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