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I love email

by nickb on September 26th, 2005

I really love getting emails like this:

Date: Mon, 26 Sep 2005 20:55:13 -0400 (EDT)
From: tohellwyou <>
Subject: gay fag
X-Pass: WebEmail

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
tohellwyou: on Monday, September 26, 2005 at 20:55:13

content: I would like some information on my account I have sent more than a few disc
back just like I was have before without realizing that they were going to lansing
michigan whats up with that. I am a business owner and I realize that if netflix can
take longer in shipping and reciving they can make more money, if this is the case
why don't you just chare everyone $1 more and ship the correct way? I have been a
very loyal customer of yours for a long period I would hate to see me cancel my
account because someone is getting greedy or is it someone really messing up? I
suggest that see to this matter as I am not the only one if you will follow the link you will find I am
not the only one with this problem. please feel free to contact me anytime thru
e-mail XXXXXXXXXXXX and don't give me that it is returned to the nearest netflix
shipping facility my friend is the post master, it goes to the po box label
(whatever state that might be)


HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR

Ahh stupid idiots on SBC DSL on Windows. Perhaps I should send them a copy of Strunk and White. Or maybe just a general style guide regarding capitalization.

But really folks, why the hell do conversations about Netflix get so emotional? This is about a company. State your position and defend it. Or better yet, realize that my web form isn’t Netflix’s customer support email box. Don’t send forty-five nasty emails to random people who have once commented on a blog about Netflix.

Another question that is sure to be asked, is why would I post this crap on my blog? For the same reason Fred Phelps is my favorite anti-gay activist. Because this shit is ugly, it deserves to be and needs to be public.

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