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Aww hell, here we write again

by nickb on November 1st, 2005

So, less than two hours ago I was berating Jen about writing her next novel for Nanowrimo.

So, somewhere along this path in the last one hundred and twenty minutes I decided that I’m going to participate again this year. What did it you may ask? I was taking the cat shit out to the trash can and low and behold I have plot ideas streaming out of my brain, all of which elude me at the moment. (One just found its way back to me.. its about a hypersomniac crime fighter that requires Starbucks coffee to stay awake, when he runs out he has to get more somehow, oftentimes pasting himself to the local Starbucks’s door with a Starbucks Card for the barista to fill his next drink up when they reopen in the morning. All hypercomedy style, so I can get away with long incoherent rants. (hey if you can’t get away from your flaws, make them part of the plot!) Yeah I’ll decide on that sometime soon.)

So I’ll need to average 1666.66 words per day.. wheee!

An this year I won’t have FedUp Kink copy-hell, or bull shit election-hell, or I’m going to Canada pleasure for relief from election-hell to deal with. I’ll just have Banana hurricane hell, so all-in-all it’ll be about even.

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