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Hey, don’t I know you?

by nickb on December 28th, 2005

An oddity from spending my 42 seconds near show business, is that every once in a while I’ll recognize someone on the stage, on the screen, or in the credits.

Its cool and odd seeing someone you know in person on the screen. I’ve had a few instances of this, Matt James in The Maker or Tory Ross in The Producers. I’m used to seeing people I know on stage, so somehow that isn’t as cool.

Now what really blows my mind watching someone in a movie, and going “I’ve seen her before, but in what.” Spending a good minute figuring it out, then going…. Dang I worked with her in a show! That happened to me once while I was at Jenni’s house and she had TNT on to Frankenfish! with Donna Biscoe. Thats an odd and very cool feeling.

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