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Now thats How to Do a Movie Musical

by nickb on December 28th, 2005

Okay. The Producers rocked. Some notes of what they did right:

  1. No fucking with the structure. Its the same story, presented in the same order.
  2. Keep what makes the stage version worthwhile. The Producers on stage was a huge comedic, over the top number. It won’t work any other way. Rent on the other hand a intricately threaded story on stage. Its a lame mono-filament on the screen.
  3. Every change was justified. Things did change from the stage to the screen. Songs were made longer, some songs had lines cut out or changed. But it was all justified, and fit the story.
  4. It kept the style. Some critics said it looked like a stage version on film. To some extent I agree, but it also didn’t compromise on the style of the show. The stage version and the movie version were both painted from the same pallet.
  5. Cast a friend I went to high school with.

Its a fun romp, and they got everything right about it. Generally they followed a simple rule: If it works don’t fix it.

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