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Quick Procrastination

by nickb on January 31st, 2006

This needs to be quick because I’m quite tired..

I need to stop procrastinating. Its getting to the point that procrastination has worked its way into everything, work, school (I’m not really quite sure I ever was caught up on classes), doing my laundry, doing dishes, etc.

Procrastination is creating a debt to be repaid in the future. If I don’t do something now, I’ve borrowed time from myself in the future to get it done. It really is no different than charging something on a credit card (that is a different blog entry though); It even has interest. I’ve pulled a couple all nighters just because I wanted to get some school work done. All nighters on work nights… That is really messed up and creates a bit of a bitch of a day.. Speaking of which …zzzzz

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